Leukoplakia from smoking ~ GONE after more than 10 years!

This is an (exact quote) email I recently received from a Shaklee member who has been taking VivixTM for about 14 months, just one teaspoon a day! woo hoo!

"I've had leukoplakia, a growth in the mouth (inside cheek) from smoking that may be precancerous. Today, I noticed that it's GONE !!! And must be the supplements and/or Vivix."

Upon further questioning I found out that he has had leukoplakia for about 10 years....this time, and more than 10 years previously. He quit smoking for 3 years in between and it went away during that time. Of course, I do not endorse smoking, and I wish he would quit, but this story is AMAZING and totally unexpected and exciting so I wanted to share it. I hope it will help someone.

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