Friend with Post Polio Syndrome (PPS) using Shaklee VivixTM

Another success story came my way friend, Joe has Post Polio Syndrome (PPS). He has been taking Vitalizer, Vivix, Nutriferon for more than one year, and added Cor Energy about a month ago. Joe's dark circles under his eyes are lightening, at least 6 moles/skin tags have fallen off, Cardio C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Homocysteine levels are much better. And, he has smoother softer skin and more mental energy!! We are literally changing lives with Shaklee products! Since starting Cor Energy about one month ago he says he feels his brain and nervous system have been stimulated as well! Muscles next? We hope so!

I should mention that prior to Shaklee, Joe had been researching and using "other brands" for years, thoroughly convinced that he was taking the best products he could get, yet Shaklee is now changing his life! Changing brands really can change YOUR life, too.

Please follow Joe's latest results
on my Heatlh Blog, while he continues to take most of Shaklee's recommended Rx For a Healthier Life plus a few other Shaklee products.

At Shaklee, "Creating Healthier Lives" is not just a slogan. Changing brands really can change your life!!! We believe that it is a combination of all of the Shaklee products that Joe is taking that is helping him, and not just VivixTM alone.

Do you have your own story to tell? Please do!

Dr. Oz Suggests Longevity Shake Everyday!

Today, Dr. Oz said to drink a longevity drink every day! I have been drinking mine for over 17 months and I LOVE it. I'm sure his is fantastic, it looked good on TV, but frankly, I know myself and I will NOT keep all those ingredients around the house to make this drink every single day. Would you? Although goji berries have been around 3,000 years, are they PROVEN to give you longer life? Nobody said that. 

I'm so glad I have my longevity drink, VivixTM. It's very convenient ~ I just unscrew the cap from the bottle every morning, pour it in a teaspoon, and drink it down ~ after my Cinch Shake, of course! Click to learn more about Cinch Shakes (please give the catalog a minute to load and turn pages at any corner). I have to have my Cinch Shake to maintain my weight loss, to get my fiber everyday, and to retain my muscle mass. I know I wouldn't drink 2 shakes in the morning! For me, Dr. Oz's shake looks good for a once in a while treat, maybe in the afternoon :)

You can learn more about VivixTM in the catalog. VivixTM is made with ingredients that are safe, and are proven to work! 100% Guaranteed!! You can see some of the research in my earliers posts. Dr. Oz's shake, although natural and healthy ~ as far as I know, there are no research papers on its benefits!
His shakes consist of almond milk, banana, blueberries, dried goji berries and powdered MACA.

Resveratrol Research, Clinicals & Related Videos

As you watch these videos and read this research, think about this, VivixTM is 10X more powerful than resveratrol alone, because of the added muscadine super grape!! No one else can get this grape. Our company has secured the best grapes from the largest growers for the next 20 years! That is one reason that I am so excited about this! Just ONE teaspoon per day of this amazing tonic is all you need! And, of course, VivixTM is alcohol free! All the benefits without any of the side effects!
Don't be fooled by the companies using celebrity's names to endorse their products or offer free trials. See my post from Aug. 26, 2009 for more info. Below is some of the research I have found online, although there are over 2500 publications on resveratrol research! 1.) Scientists have found a substance called resveratrol in red wine that slows down the aging process in mice. Will it someday lengthen the lives of humans, too? Morley Safer reports. Drink to your Health from CBSNewsOnline 2.) A conversation with Dr. David Sinclair of The Harvard Medical School and Nicholas Wade, the science reporter for "The New York Times" about a groundbreaking new health study involving a molecule called resveratrol . The molecule, found in grapes and therefore wine, offsets the effects of high caloric intake in obese mice and also extends their longevity.
Charlie Rose - A Conversation with Dr. David Sinclair and Nicholas Wade. 3.) Study demonstrates improved health, survival in aged overweight male mice on resveratrol. Research published in Nature in 2006 provides evidence that the flavonoid Resveratrol (a naturally occurring compound found in grapes and red wine as well as nuts) can improve health and survival in obese mice on a high calorie diet. The mice given Resveratrol lived longer, had fewer signs of developing diabetes and maintained their motor skills with age. 4.) Red Wine Ingredient Increases Endurance, Study Shows.
Resveratrol may not only help us live longer but also help us run faster longer. The New York Times reported that when researchers gave resveratrol to lab mice, the mice were able to run twice as far as resveratrol-free mice before collapsing from exhaustion.
5.) Role of resveratrol in prevention and therapy of cancer - preclinical and clinical studies.
6.) World Science - Drug may trick body into “thinking” you worked out.
7.) You can obtain a list of all the current studies being done with Resveratrol by going to and entering Resveratrol in the search box. Or click this link and go there now.
Keep in mind, resveratrol pharmaceuticals are at least 5 years away, VivixTM is here now! Why wait, when you can have the purest, most natural, World's best anti-aging tonic NOW? Please check my Aug. 18, 2009 post regarding the double-blind placebo clinical study on humans.
I hope this information is beneficial to you and, whatever you do, please do not get scammed by any of the FREE trial offers out there!

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