Look what VivixTM is doing for David's mother!

Just had dinner with my good friend David. His mother has been taking Vivix for more than 6 months and, just recently a very large growth/mole on the side of her face FELL OFF!! Also, her headaches of a lifetime are greatly diminished and almost non-existent! We love Vivix! 

Dr. Oz had a visiting dermatologist, Dr. Downy, on his show last night, who removed a very large mole from a woman's face. I just kept thinking this can be done WITHOUT surgery or drugs as in the case of David's mother!!!! It only took 6 months! Besides, Dr. Downy said that it may grow back in 5-7 years. As far as David's mother, hers will just continue to disappear!!

I believe that to be true because I lost 4 moles myself and my brother lost 6, taking Vivix!

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